Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mini Happy Dance!

My web 2.0 content in the market I was talking about in the previous post finally got into Google's SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page)!

And I didn't have to pay to get there with AdWords....


Here's the break-down of what happened:

  • I Posted content to it on 8/21/07 at 8:51 AM and 9:28 AM.
  • Set up a unique social bookmarking account for the popular social bookmarking services and bookmarked it at about 9:30 AM.
  • Google actually crawled my content 8/21/07 at 13:33:05 GMT... Soooo - minus 4 (Eastern Daylight / Summer Time)... would make it 9:33AM
  • Set up a unique social bookmarking account for all the other services at 9:35 AM.
  • Then proceeded to social bookmark it at all those places at 10:45 AM.
  • ... [Got bored and did some other stuff] ...
  • Created a Squidoo Lens for my stuff at 3:30 AM on 8/22/07.
  • Social bookmarked said Squidoo lens in popular bookmarking services with alternative account at 4:00 AM
  • ... [Poked around the web a bit] ...
  • Manually added my site to Google's To-Be-Crawled list, not having seen it in Google's SERPs even by 7:00 AM the following day!
  • ... [Got really frustrated an made my last post at 7:30 AM] ...
  • Finally am listed on Google's SERPs between 8:45 AM and 2:15 PM on 8/22/07 when I was resting.
    Here's some of the Data:
    For phrase match I'm listed as #111 (the eleventy-first result)
    For broad match I'm listed as #710
    Not quite in the top ten... but we'll see what I can do!

I didn't get out of Google's supplemental index or passed into their main index from their cache index 23-29 hours later!

What did this...

  • Was it the fact that a bunch of other 30DCers were already in the market and using the same platform?
  • Was it the fact that Google finds it fishy that all of a sudden a bunch of content was added to the social bookmarking sphere with the same tag(s) in a relatively short period of time?
  • Does Google not put Blogger/Blogspot content in the SERPs right away?
  • Was it the fact that I was trying too hard to get into Google?
  • Did I mess up at some small little thing that I missed in the 30DC content?
  • Did I do something wrong?

I think Google is just smarter and tricker than we know about how it moves stuff aorund it's indices.


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