Monday, October 22, 2007

Underoath & Nightwish Concert Dilema Resolved

In a previous post I talked about how there were two concerts for a couple of my top bands I like that are playing on the same night...

And I had to figure out which one, between Underoath (ticket info) and Nightwish (ticket info), I was going to go to.

What made things a little difficult to figure it out a few weeks ago was that Keith was potentially going to go to New York City to visit with Justin.... and at that time Keith was also looking for a job.

Since then he had landed a job at the local mall, and won't be able to go to New York City... as well Justin is quite busy with his own studies as well.

Which made for the possibility of Keith wanting to go see the Underoath concert almost given (as long as he wasn't working).

As well, I hadn't been so diligent enough recently to check out many of the new releases some of my favorite bands had just put out, including Nightwish's Dark Passion Play and would probably like to get the 2 Disk Edition [Discography].

Plus, Buffalo is a whole lot closer than Toronto, so I wouldn't have to pay for all that extra gas... and I just barely had enough to buy tickets to the show I am going to...

Which if you haven't figured it out yet, is Underoath! (Of which Keith will be coming along too since he doesn't work.)

Doors are at six and giving a half hour or so leeway I'll have to get Keith and be on our way by 3:30 PM... I'll have to confirm with Keith what he wants to do.

Ok, so the bands that are playing with Underoath [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon] are:

Everytime I Die [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon], a local Buffalo band, they sound ok... Probably nothing to write a whole lot about, and probably won't be as good as Poison the Well. These guys sound too much recipe cookie-cutter stuff.

Poison the Well [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon] well, what can I say about these guys... They are pretty decent, and sound like they could be rather good. Might be quite likeable! They have a somewhat softer sound with enough screaming & singing to make good songs. They seem to go with Underoath's style quite well.

Maylene + the Sons of Disaster [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon] some of their songs have a rather interesting sound, and would be interesting to see what they're like live... they almost seem a little cookie-cutter-ish, though.

It promises to be a good concert... So I will be sure to let you know how it turns out!

Should be well worth the $20 bucks for tickets and the gas to see these bands!!




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