Friday, March 28, 2008

New-Age Tech Management Vs. Old World Industrial Management

I was going to actually post this last weekend, but I got sick and didn't quite finish the post... so here's the post mostly as it was, but with a little editing (I'll just leave this post short as it is).

In The April, 2008 issue of Wired Magazine, there was a great write-up in there titled How Apple Got Everything Right By Doing Everything Wrong.

This is mostly an article about the way Apple does business differently than what many of the "New" tech companies believes a company should be managed and operate.

Especially referring to Google's "Don't Be Evil" moto, and the open-source movement's ideologies.

As a side-note... there was also an article (or series of articles) on 9 trends of business that was pretty interesting. I found one of the particular trends rather interesting:

Rise Of The Instapreneur, where all anyone really needs anymore is a great idea or plans / blueprints and someone else will do all the work when / if you make a sale or need merchandise.

(You should be able to find the links to the other 8 trends in the article - which are also fascinating stories)




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