Monday, May 19, 2008

More Bill O'Reilly Goodness! (Or Lack Of)

After my previous post on Bill O'Reilly Mixing It Up, Marc Andreessen - who I heard about this from - had discovered some more great videos.

I have to include this particular parody, because it's just so darned funny! Funnier than the video of Bill O'Reilly Mixing It Up....

(Same Disclaimers as before...)

NOTE: I'm not a big Bill O'Reilly Fan (or at all), and don't really watch whatever he's on... but these are funny - right, I said that already - so here they are:

CAUTION: These videos include some mature language... several "f-bombs" so be forewarned! (Partly what makes it so funny!)

And here's an extra special treat...

An amazing news-item-story by Stephen Colbert, of the Colbert Report - great stuff!

This is worthwhile for some great background on the actual Bill O'Reilly clip and offers yet another great parody of the 'Bill O'Reilly incident':

Just some relief to the mundane!


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