Friday, November 9, 2007

Thursday Isn't Dead!! (Yet)

No I'm not talking about the day Thursday, but the kicking sweet band Thursday!

A while back when Keith and I were checking some of the sites for many of the bands we liked to see what was going on we took a look at Thursdays band site and saw that they had cancelled their tour dates for 2007.

By the post left on their site it was unknown exactly what was going on and if Thursday was going to break-up or what was going to happen to their band!

This really sorta stunk because Thursday has a bit of sentimental value to me....

Not to mention I love their music, even though they've gotten a little softer in their last CD A City By The Light Divided... though I like their previous stuff (especially War All The Time) and the harder stuff on A City By The Light Divided.

Other than their music, when Thursday came to Rochester in the beginning of the year, they were the first rock concert I had really been to...

And that concert left such a positive impression on me that I have been to many concerts since then.

It was quite disheartening to wonder what was going to happen to Thursday.

But now it looks like their band is really on the verge of trouble... at least with their record label.

Even though they released a new CD, I was informed that the type of CD they've released is usually used by record companies to test the market's responsiveness to the band!

By the way their new CD is called Kill The House Lights...

Kill The House Lights

It would be a real shame for Thursday to die... so go and buy Kill The House Lights so they keep their label, otherwise it might be the end of Thursday!

Or at the very least it will mean that it will take them quite a while longer to get a new label and put out a new CD!

So if you're like me and don't want Thursday to die yet, be sure you get a copy of Kill The House Lights

If you've got any comments about Thursday or their new CD Kill The House Lights please let me know by making a comment on this post... I'd be interested to hear what others think about it!


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