Thursday, October 25, 2007

Underoath Concert in Buffalo


There's probably only a few words that can be used to describe the Underoath concert that Keith and I went to on Tuesday night... and that is that it was totally INSANE!!!

The place was totally packed out, and it wasn't even a small venue at all.

It got so hot and humid quickly from all the people packed in the place and all the sweat, that my glasses quickly fogged up if there wasn't enough airflow.

Keith and I were at the front and by the time the second opener for Underoath was playing we were already soaked with sweat.... it was like we just went swimming in our clothes!

So let's start with the first opener...

Maylene + the Sons of Disaster [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon] as I had suspected these guys were just OK for the most part... not too original of a sound and were alright live.

Maylene + the Sons of Disaster we're fairly entertaining live, but definitely not I band I really foresee myself really getting into a whole lot. Though were several people that were into them at the concert.

Up next was...

Poison the Well [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon] and I thought they were pretty good. They would definitely be a band that would be interested in looking into further. I probably set some pretty high expectations of these guys when checking them out when I was looking into the opening bands before the concert... and they didn't really let me down!

I actually bought one of their t-shirts... which is actually a limited edition shirt that I happened to think was pretty cool looking.

These guys actually managed to get several crowd surfers up on the crowd... which was really cool too! Pushing them up towards the front to security. (I don't think that Maylene + the Sons of Disaster had any crowd surfers for their set.... and if they did they didn't have a lot!)

The next band in line was then...

Everytime I Die [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon], and man was I a little off on my initial perception of what these guys were like.

Maybe it was because they were live, or the crowd, I dunno. But they played a pretty amazing set and definitely cranked it up at that place!

Though they might not have been the most original band with the most original sound but everyone there seemed to love these guys... but maybe it was because they were playing in their hometown.

There were tons of people that crowd surfed during their set!

Maybe because the lead singer said they wanted them to because there was 'amazing security there' in the front -- which all of the security at the front rolled their eyes... like 'here we go!'

Even though I might not be as into Everytime I Die, they sure did put on a pretty mean live show... and they said that they were trying to put on the best show in their hometown, Buffalo.

It was great to actually see the bass player dive into the crowd... even if he made a couple of the girls at the very front have to be taken out crying!

I left the front in the third to last song because I was becoming a little too hydrated and the pressure from everyone pushing forward wasn't helping... and trying to push at least half a dozen crowd surfers along was tiring me out plus, not to mention, all the crowd surfers that kept hitting my head... it just became a little too much... so I stepped out for a breather!

Which would then bring us back to...

Underoath [myspace | PureVolume | Amazon] who was simply amazing, and surprised me with their set in a couple things...

I loved how they opened with the video on the backdrop playing Salmarnir as they came on stage... that was an amazing entrance! I probably won't ever listen to that song differently...

And then how from there they broke into playing In Regards to Myself... which I was expecting to be the first song they played... but this entrance was probably better!

After those two songs I jumped back into the crowd pushing my way through the moshpit and towards the front on the right side of the stage.

I pretty much stayed up there until towards the end when some punk kid wasn't paying attention to the crowd surfers and fell back bumping the back of his head in to my mouth giving me a sore lip...

Then I pushed my way back the back left where it wasn't as crowded and I could still see Underoath on stage from a decent vantage point.

The back definitely isn't as fun though... not anyone there really knew the songs or moved around nearly as much!

I was probably the only one back there singing along and head-banging to the music!

This concert was probably ten times better than the Nightwish concert that I might otherwise have gone to see...

Though I will still get their new CD Dark Passion Play sometime of which I would like to get their 2 Disk Edition [Discography].

The Underoath concert didn't let me down on its promise to be a good concert... In fact it was so much more fun and awesome than I thought it was going to be!

It definitely was well worth it all to see all of these bands play!!



Anonymous said...

how long was the concert? i'm going to one on November 6th and i'd really like to know how long it will be!

Anonymous said...

Hey there anonymous commenter,

If I remember things correctly...

Doors for this concert were at 6 PM.... and the first band didn't start to play until 7 PM (I'm pretty sure).

And I'm fairly confident that the whole thing ended around 10 PM (or at least by 10:30 PM), because I'm pretty sure I was able to get back home (back in Rochester) by or a little after 12 AM.

So from the time the first band started the concert was about 3 - 3.5 hours... plus an extra hour waiting to get in and waiting for the first band to begin (which would bring it to 4 or 4.5 hours)!

Be sure to drink plenty of water before the concert so you don't get dehydrated and too worn out during the concert.... especially before you're able to enjoy watching Underoath play!

I'm excited that I will be seeing Underoath playing again this upcoming Tuesday... so I will definitely have to tell you how that went!

And because this show and the show you are going to see are on the same tour, you might be able to expect some of the things I post about!

I also have to make a post about the Showbread, A Static Lullaby, and Maylene + the Sons of Disaster concert I recently went to a few weeks ago.

So definitely keep on eye on this blog for more concert stuff!

Until Next Time,



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