Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Last Chevelle Concert

Here's a video from the previous Chevelle concert that Keith and I went to on May 25, 2007 at The Town Ballroom in Buffalo, New York.

[You might want to make sure your speakers are turned down... this has real bad sound quality!]

Chevelle - Vitamin R:

This was one of the best concerts that we've / I've been too!

I am still convinced that when I had my fist up when Dean was near us, and when I pulled my fist away for a second and put it back up, that by doing that was actually what made Dean hit my fist with his fist and follow-through to hit Keith's fist as well.... that I don't think that without my little 'takeaway' with my fist that Dean would have hit our fists!

Also on one of the final songs I got to touch Dean's guitar as he held it out.

At the end of the concert Dean was about to hand me the guitar pick he was playing with, but I pulled my hand away and let Keith take it because before the concert he said he wanted to get somehting from the concert... and what better than for him to get Dean's pick.

I wasn't too disapointed because Keith got me another Chevelle guitar pick from a security guy during stage cleanup.


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