Monday, July 27, 2009


Title: Cliffhanger

I'm on the edge
Barely hanging on
And you're just not
Satisfied with this!

I'll lose it...
It's all your fault!

You did all of this,
You put me here.
You pushed me to the edge!

Now I'm Holding on
Swaying on the edge
I've only got one hand
Can I maintain this?

Or lose it?...
It's all your fault!

You did all of this,
You put me here.
You pushed me to the edge,
And sent me over the edge!

But you're not satisfied
You want me gone
Stepping on my hands
Trying to make me fall...

I lose it...
It's all your fault!

You did all of this,
You put me here.
You pushed me to the edge,
And sent me over the edge!
Stepping on my fingers...

Do you ever learn?
This won't improve it
You don't like it when
I go off the edge...

And lose it...
It's all your fault!

You did all of this,
You put me here.
You pushed me to the edge
And sent me over the edge
Stepping on my fingers
Whenever I hold on!


Story-line conceived & written:
Section two modified slightly,
    refrain added after first
    three sections, & titled on:


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is 100% Original Material by Benjamin VanScoter, and is therefore:

© Coyright Benjamin VanScoter 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Use Without Prior Written And Signed Consent Is Against International And Domestic Laws.

So don't even try to use any part of this work!

If you want to refer to this work link to it using the Permalink (found below).

(This writing may or may not be based on anything factual or that has happened in Ben's life... and may be entirely fictional.)


Strung Out

Title: Strung Out

It's the violence
Of your silence
That's taking seed
Inside of me

And when it's born
It's like a thorn
That's cutting deep
From your mystique
By day and night
It's pulling tight
And strangles me
In the breeze

I'm letting go
Like all your clothes
Out on the line
Just like your crime
Left high and dry
With all your lies


Story-line conceived & written:
Section gaps & title created:


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is 100% Original Material by Benjamin VanScoter, and is therefore:

© Coyright Benjamin VanScoter 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Use Without Prior Written And Signed Consent Is Against International And Domestic Laws.

So don't even try to use any part of this work!

If you want to refer to this work link to it using the Permalink (found below).

(This writing may or may not be based on anything factual or that has happened in Ben's life... and may be entirely fictional.)


Final Release

Title: Final Release

I was just a child,
The pain was so real
Deep inside me
It rose up within
And as it grew
This anger found no release
Until I met you!

I'm burning inside out
I don't just melt
I'm like a jar of glycerine
The glass cracks
And shaders
Becoming the shrapnel
In your skin.

Sinking deeper,
Cutting further.
I'm the disease within
There's no escape -
It's time to amputate!
It's come to this,
The final release!

But Then you find
It was never me -
It was always you -
This is your heart,
Your own desires,
Set free in me,
Now nothing's left!


"Story-line" conceived & first
    two sections written:
Section two slightly modified:
Last two sections were
    written & edited:
Title assigned:


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is 100% Original Material by Benjamin VanScoter, and is therefore:

© Coyright Benjamin VanScoter 2009. All Rights Reserved.
Use Without Prior Written And Signed Consent Is Against International And Domestic Laws.

So don't even try to use any part of this work!

If you want to refer to this work link to it using the Permalink (found below).

(This writing may or may not be based on anything factual or that has happened in Ben's life... and may be entirely fictional.)


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thursday's Resuscitation To Common Existence

So as I was perusing my Facebook profile and going through all the bands that I'm fans of and checking up what's new with them... I came across something that was very exciting!

Some really great, long-awaited, news about Thursday's next release!

In exactly a week from when I am making this post, on February 17, 2009 Thursday is releasing their next CD... Common Existance... and as I have said before in a back-and-forth rebuttal with Keith and my own opinions I still remain very optimistic about this next CD release.

However, I am all the more eager for this upcoming CD release of Thursday's new CD Common Existence, because of the tracks that they have available for your listening pleasure on their MySpace page.

Before listening to these tracks, all I had heard of the stuff that they were going to be releasing was played in the background of interviews and touring promo vids... and to be honest, it made me lose a little hope in the direction that Thursday was going.

However, after listening to the released versions (on MySpace), all my hope and anticipation has been restored!

I can't wait for:

Common Existence

According to the discography the tracks that are currently available for listening to on MySpace are tracks #1 Resuscitation Of A Dead Man and #4 Friends In The Armed Forces... apparently Resuscitation Of A Dead Man is their digital single.

I discovered that Amazon MP3 had the song Resuscitation Of A Dead Man available for download free... I'm not sure if it's just a promo offer or anything... but you might be able to get it too!

Get Resuscitation Of A Dead Man FREE:

Resuscitation Of A Dead Man

I thought that was pretty awesome... to find a Thursday's single available for free...

In footage from Kill The House Lights Geoff said how cool he thought it was that back when they were just getting started people at the concerts knew their songs and liked the band... not because they bought their CD(s)... but because they downloaded their music from file-sharing networks.

And even though A City By The Light Divided seemed to turn off a lot of fans from Thursday I think that Common Existance might have the potential to bring many back!

I think I mentioned this before but will again here... that I initially wasn't too keen on A City By The Light Divided, but the more I listen to it the more I like it and see how it really pulls together much of their previous work.

So as it seems still -- at least so far to me, my previous prediction of Thursday not being dead (yet) still stands!


Friday, January 23, 2009

New Hidden Mars Edit feature


I know it's been a while since I've last posted anything on this blog, but I've got something really cool to share...

I'm usually not one that gets too involved with too much software by submitting bug reports and being whiney and cry about features that I think are missing or to diss software outright without giving it a chance (sorry Microsoft you've had your chances and missed them all! -- Not a big fan)

But I digress...

As you might already have noticed I'm a fairly large fan of MarsEdit, the amazing Mac blog publishing application... and I made a feature request of a sort on the MarsEdit forum.

The request was due to having a certain setting in Blogger that I had that wasn't really average, and was messing up how Blogger and MarsEdit interacted causing the format of my posts to get a little messed up.

Specifically my problem was:

... the line break tags disappear and are substituted with a hard return when the posts are imported into MarsEdit.

I have Blogger's "Convert line breaks" setting (in Settings > Formatting) set as "No" to take advantage of more advanced layout options that can be achieved through MarsEdit.

I can't remember what release I noticed they started to disappear, but I've been secretly hoping somehow it'd get fixed...

And maybe now that I've mentioned this hopefully it will be sooner!

[The developer] probably automatically assume[s] that Blogger blogs won't have that option on, and to keep Blogger from adding line break tags after every line - even if there is already a line break tag at the end of the line... which was a Blogger integration bug that was in one of the earlier releases of MarsEdit as I recall.

And having to redo the formatting every time I wanted to update a post or view and copy a section from one post to another was a little annoying... so I provided my point-of-view to the developer of MarsEdit, Daniel Jalkut through the MarsEdit Forum.

I wasn't necessarily expecting a whole lot, just hoping that he might do something to fix it or show me some other way to work with the little inconvenience I was having regarding MarsEdit... It was really no biggie!

He did get back to me on the forum rather quickly with a response and saw that there was something he could do to the app that might help out.

After hearing very little in the meantime, even after a software update that happened a long time ago, I was curious if Daniel already implemented the change or was considering it for a future release.

And as it turns out...

Yes, it's true you can make a difference in the programs you love!

Daniel had implemented a hidden feature in MarsEdit for the ultimate compatibility with Blogger blogs that have the "Convert line breaks" setting set to "No"!

Here's all you have to do:

  1. Quit MarsEdit if it's open.
  2. Open on your mac (Application/Utilities/
  3. Copy the following:
    defaults write DisableBloggerMarkupMassage -bool YES
  4. Paste that line (one single non-carriage-return line) into the Terminal window
  5. Then hit the return key
  6. Open MarsEdit
  7. Then for each of your Blogger blogs that you have do the following:
    1. Select the blog so that it's highlighted in blue in the list on the left blog list
    2. If the blog's Preview Text Filter setting (accessed through the toolbar's "Show Settings" button and in the "Composing" tab for the blog's settings) isn't set to "None", change it to "None"
      [click OK after checking &/or changing]
    3. Then when the blog is still selected / highlighted on the left, click on the "Refresh" button in the toolbar (the circular blue arrow)
  8. See the changes

Now your Blogger blogs - when they're reloaded - will have the <br /> tags intact when opening the Post for Editing, and will also render previews correctly when you select a post.

NOTE: This setting affects all Blogger blogs in MarsEdit, it isn't a blog-specific setting but is universal in that regard... So make sure you have all your Blogger blogs in MarsEdit to have the "Convert line breaks" setting set to "No" when you use this special hidden feature!

It would be cool if someone else can benefit from this new feature too... hey, I know:

Why not let me know if you like this feature or use it by leaving a comment below?!

Also, give tons of thanks to Daniel Jalkut the MarsEdit developer for implementing this new hidden feature!




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