I just finished putting together a page for my church's website for it's upcoming Missions Conference this weekend.
The Missions Conference is a two day event this upcoming weekend on Saturday April 26th and Sunday April 27th...
I know, it might be a little short-notice for a lot of people.... and that's because I hadn't thought about putting a page up on the website for it, until I was asked about the possibility of doing that for the church this last Sunday by one of the elders.
Part of the reason I wasn't inclined to make too many modifications to the church's website was when my computer's hard disk blew up I didn't back up a lot of my application support files, which is where the iWeb files for the church's site were...
And if I were to make any changes I would have to go back into iWeb and re-input all the pages from scratch, or hand code any edits or additions... which isn't a really simple task with the way iWeb creates its pages.
But all in all I spent a few hours tinkering around with creating and writing up the Missions Conference 2008 page and putting links in several of the other pages on my church's website.
Since I practically lost the working iWeb file for the Church's website, I will then begin to recode the site to create a template for it with php to make it a whole lot easier to manage and work with! -- Which was what I was hoping to eventually do anyways!