Friday, October 31, 2008

Underoath's Set List (Oct. 28)

For those of you wondering about what Underoath played for the concert in Rochester, I'll include it here!

(This is to the best of mostly Keith's recollection and I think it's fairly accurate!)

  1. Breathing In A New Mentality [Lost In The Sound Of Separation | CD/DVD]
  2. In Regards To Myself [Define The Great Line]
  3. Young and Aspiring [They're Only Chasing Safety]
  4. It's Dangerous Business walking out your front door [They're Only Chasing Safety]
  5. Emergency Broadcast The End Is Near [Lost In The Sound Of Separation | CD/DVD]
  6. I Don't Feel Very Receptive Today [They're Only Chasing Safety]
  7. Your Ever So Inviting [Define The Great Line]
  8. The Only Survivor Was Miraculously Unharmed [Lost In The Sound Of Separation | CD/DVD]
  9. A Boy Brushed Red Living in Black and White [They're Only Chasing Safety]
  10. Desolate Earth The End Is Here [Lost In The Sound Of Separation | CD/DVD]
  11. Returning Empty Handed [Define The Great Line]
  12. Desperate Times, Desperate Measures [Lost In The Sound Of Separation | CD/DVD]

  13. Too Bright To See, Too Loud To Hear [Lost In The Sound Of Separation | CD/DVD]
  14. Writing on the Walls [Define The Great Line]

This is quite an awesome set that Underoath played!

What totally makes it killer was that they played In Regards To Myself and Desolate Earth :: The End Is Near!

I wasn't sure if they would play Desolate Earth :: The End Is Near, but they did and it was amazing!


Underoath Concert At Rochester's Water St. Music Hall


This last Tuesday Keith and I both went to another Underoath concert... It had been about a year since we went to the last Underoath concert in Buffalo. And much like that last Underoath concert that we both considered an insane concert, this concert was likewise totally CRAZY!!!

It was nice that this concert was a whole lot closer to home, and didn't have spend all that time traveling and worry about getting tired.

The Water Street Music Hall was totally packed out - though it's probably more on the smaller size of venues.

It was a really cold wait to get inside, that when inside the heat generated by so many people in such a small space was better than being in the cold...

And it sure didn't take too long until I was sweating enough that all my clothes - even the hoodie I was wearing - were soaked all the way through.

Keith and I were able to squeeze our way to the very front by the time Underoath was playing the first few songs!

The openers for Underoath were person L, The Devil Wears Prada, and Saosin - in that order.

I thought that this was a really good line-up of bands and was a really fun and highly entertaining concert!

person L was pretty decent for a first opener.

The Devil Wears Prada was naturally quite a bit better and more entertaining.

Saosin was pretty awesome! I hadn't heard much, if any, of Saosin's stuff before and could probably get into them! They have a good style.

And finally, of course, Underoath totally killed!

Maybe, it's because their latest CD was amazing and couldn't be any more perfect, or they seemed entirely more cheery and with their game as it seemed to me...

But this is definitely a tour that you don't want to miss Underoath on!

I thought it was really awesome that when a girl who was crowd-surfing made her way to the front - without security noticing to catch her - that Tim McTague (Underoath's lead guitarist), noticed her, stopped playing, jumped down from the stage and caught her!

How cool is that!

Sure security made it there to help just as Tim caught the girl, but that was .... well ... AMAZING he did that!

It was such a great and exciting time, that I nearly passed out twice - probably from dehydration.

The first time was right before Underoath started playing right at the end of Saosin's set... I had to get out of the crowd up in the front and get some water and a breather at the bar.

In fact as I was pushing my way out of the crowd my vision was all fuzzy and stuff, and when I was at the bar I had to forcibly keep myself from throwing-up a few times!

The second time I almost passed out, was at the end of Underoath's set, after the "one more song" chant...

Where in fact Underoath played two songs because it had been so long since they were last around.

Keith had to get security's attention to pull me up and out from behind the crowd-control-barrier right when Underoath was playing their very last song.

I wasn't feeling as terrible as I did the first time, but I didn't want to push myself into something that could've been terrible!

Despite all the drama that I encountered it definitely was well worth it all to see Underoath and these bands play!!

So go and see Underoath when they're near you next time and drink plenty of water before the concert - you'll need it!!

Check Out Underoath's Set List Here!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This Man Is A Financial GOD!

Warren Buffett is one of the greatest financial minds around to this day.

His financial intellect has been the pedestal for many years on which the US's economy has stood upon and managed to weather and successfully pull through many financial struggles.

This interview alone reveals in part, and thoroughly, just exactly the depth and breadth his understanding of business, investment, and the economy truly is...

And just how much anyone who really wants to truly be financially smart, really doesn't compare.

Throughout this interview one cannot help but to simply be amazed at Buffett's business-investment knowledge...

In everything from marketing concepts to making the sales to managing the people and finances of a company.

As well as anything from really understanding the financial position of a company at the present to seeing how that and various key factors translate into the growth or demise of the same company.

The interview below is a must-watch for anyone that wants to learn how to make money, and do so in any way that is profitable.

I have recently been through my share of economics, accounting, and business finance classes through my career as a college student and can fairly say that I have an above average understanding of finances...

But as a business-person and future investor (however, currently with minimal investments) I can still say that I sincerely have a far ways to go before I can compare to a fraction of a degree to what Buffett knows about business, investment and the economy (and/or economic factors).

I have been a student of Buffet and would strongly recommend anyone who wants to be financially successful to study everything that Warren Buffet says and does.

All it takes is less than an hour to watch the interview below (and much less time than that) to see quite simply what makes Warren Buffet a financial god! More specifically, the grand extent to which his financial wisdom is so comprehensive, and why he is one of the most important financial people to study!




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